January 12, 2022 Company News
Start fresh this year with clean count sheets! When we say clean we mean complete with accurate part number and supplier information, correct substitutions, high-quality…
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December 15, 2021 Knowledge
The main message from last month was: a well-structured software system is a must-have. But that is only part of the puzzle. You need to…
November 17, 2021 Data
Dirty data is a problem! Calling your data dirty is another way of saying it is incomplete, improperly structured, or otherwise flawed. If you are…
October 13, 2021 Tips
Happy Sterile Processing Week! In preparation for this exciting week, we spoke with a variety of leaders in sterile processing departments across the country. We…
October 4, 2021 Quizzes & Polls
September 13, 2021 Staffing
Most (if not all) SPDs have experienced the need for additional resources, but they’re not always prepared to justify that need to finance and leadership….
August 9, 2021 Quizzes & Polls
August 4, 2021 Communication
There is a saying: “You play like you practice”. The point is to focus on what you do leading up to the game, so you…
July 7, 2021 Monitoring
When discussing software, something that needs to be understood is: Software in itself is not a solution. Software is only as good as the quality…
June 7, 2021 Benchmarking
Optimization and standardization are all about simplifying your inventory and getting rid of instruments that you’re not using. Not to toot our own horn but……
May 12, 2021 Knowledge
Quality is a complex and multifaceted subject that means different things to different people. It can seem daunting and complicated when discussing the consequences of…
April 14, 2021 Processes
The building of offsite reprocessing centers is an idea that has been growing in popularity in recent years. The benefits are obvious: centralized processes, cost…